Generations of Building our Dream

Generations of Building our Dream

Most American Dreams don't come easy. They come with sacrifices and hard work, whether that began generations before you or you are a first in your family. 

My family are generational farmers in California. My grandfathers came from the Philippines with a dream, and spent their lives working to build that dream. I hope as a 3rd generation farmer, i can contribute to that same dream. Today, my family and I farm almonds on our property in the California Central Valley. Is a fast and wild life, but we wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Let's take our hats off to those generations that came before us, because they set the foundations for what we will build. 

Now you ask, well how is that important to Styled Grit? 

As i worked as a mom, as a farmer, as a wife and a home maker, i constantly wondered - how do i honor myself, as a woman, as i tackle my daily life and chores? How can i maintain my femininity? 

Well with Styled Grit, i hope to convince you that there is no compromise to be made there. As women we are powerhouses, in areas that often go unnoticed. You deserve to feel noticed, to feel feminine, and to feel like you look your best. Our products are curated to enhance every woman and bring out that feminine beauty no matter what the day holds for you. 

We hope our story inspires you to put on that dress, those boots, and run full force into whatever the day will bring you. Because dreams don't come easy - but style can.


XO Nicole




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